Histological and Enzymatic Response of Carbamazepine-induced Liver Injury as A Biomarker in Male Mice

العنوان Histological and Enzymatic Response of Carbamazepine-induced Liver Injury as A Biomarker in Male Mice
السنة 2022
اسم المجلة Iranian Journal of War and Public Health 14 (4), 367-375
نوع المنشور بحث مجلة
رابط البحث في المجلة http://ijwph.ir/files/site1/user_files_a0306a/duhaadel-A-10-2010-1-5c58e1e.pdf
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أسماء الباحثين DA Kareem, AH Sadoon, MF Majeed, BA Abbas
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