A novel method to estimate cellular internalization of nanoparticles into gram-negative bacteria: Non-lytic removal of outer membrane and cell wall

العنوان A novel method to estimate cellular internalization of nanoparticles into gram-negative bacteria: Non-lytic removal of outer membrane and cell wall
السنة 2021
اسم المجلة NanoImpact, Elsevier
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رابط البحث في المجلة https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S245207482030077X
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التدريسي امجد نعمة جاسم محمد الابريسم
البريد الالكتروني amjed.neamah@uobasrah.edu.iq
أسماء الباحثين Amjed Alabresm, Alan W. Decho , Jamie Lead
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