Dietary polyphenol intake, body composition and components of metabolic syndrome in a sample overweight and obese adults: a cross-sectional study

العنوان Dietary polyphenol intake, body composition and components of metabolic syndrome in a sample overweight and obese adults: a cross-sectional study
السنة 2023
اسم المجلة BMC Endocrine Disorders
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البريد الالكتروني
أسماء الباحثين Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani1*, Zaid Al‑Attar2 , Hamid Mahmood Abdullah Daabo3 , Najim Z. Alshahrani4 , Sarmad Ghazi Al‑Shawi5 , Edgar Froilan Damián Núñez6 , Beneen M. Hussien7 , Ahmed Hjazi8 and Zahraa F. Hassan
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