Effect of an educational curriculum in improving some Bio Kinematic variables for Jump Wavy Serve (Fluter) with the junior in volleyball

العنوان Effect of an educational curriculum in improving some Bio Kinematic variables for Jump Wavy Serve (Fluter) with the junior in volleyball
السنة 2022
اسم المجلة European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements
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رابط البحث في المجلة https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea/article/view/2770
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التدريسي مهند خيرالله جبار عبدالرضا الحجاج
البريد الالكتروني mohanad.jabbar@uobasrah.edu.iq
أسماء الباحثين Mohanad Khairullah Jabbar, Nagham Salih Nemaa , Fathi Sabri Hameed
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