Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte and platelets to lymphocyte ratio with the severity of coronary artery diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus

العنوان Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte and platelets to lymphocyte ratio with the severity of coronary artery diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus
السنة 2023
اسم المجلة The medical journal of basrah university
نوع المنشور بحث مجلة
رابط البحث في المجلة
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التدريسي عبدالامير عبدالباري عبدالحميد حسين العامري
البريد الالكتروني
أسماء الباحثين Osama K. Abbas1 , Firas R. Al-Obaidi2 , Abdulamir A. Abdulhameed3 1. MBChB., University of Basrah, College of Medicine, Basrah, Iraq 2. FIBMS., Lecturer, University of Basrah, Alzahraa College of Medicine, Basrah, Iraq 3. FICMB., University of Basrah, College of Medicine, Basrah, Iraq
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تاريخ قبول النشر 2023-12-09
تاريخ النشر 2023-02-12